Pipeline - To do - Medium difficulty
This right here is a list of pipeline tasks that should be relatively doable.
Being able to ingest extra plates in Hiero
Right now we can only ingest one plate per shot in Hiero. This shot will then have a Nuke template created, a preview rendered etc. It would be handy if we could ingest several plates per shot, like a clean plate, and have it end up in the same Nuke file. Right now we have to do this manually.
Version control notifications
It would be nice if an artist got a pop up when they open a file which has publishes loaded in that have newer versions available. For example that somebody opens Nuke and gets a popup that says "new CG is available for read node ..." or something. The same would be nice for frame ranges, which sometimes change and artists forget to update.
Rendering tk-multi-reviewsubmission2 videos on the farm
Right now tk-multi-reviewsubmission2 opens Nuke locally and renders the preview .MOV, having this on the farm would greatly speed up our Maya and Houdini playblasts.
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